Collage of people sitting at table during event, and two people talking
Several of past speakers/participants at events
collage of past posters/flyers announcing events
collage of past covers

Novel: A Forum on Fiction

Novel is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the best new criticism and theory in novel studies. The journal was founded in 1967 at Brown University for the purpose of promoting new approaches to the study of the novel. It succeeded in inaugurating new theoretical and critical discourses about fiction by publishing the work of such scholars and critics as Wayne Booth, Jonathan Culler, Leslie Fiedler, Jane Gallop, Gerard Genette, Sandra Gilbert, Susan Gubar, Wolfgang Iser, Fredric Jameson, Frank Kermode, J. Hillis Miller, Edward Said, Ian Watt, and Raymond Williams.

View Current & Past Issues here.

Society for Novel Studies

The Society for Novel Studies (SNS) exists to further the study of the novel as a genre and to examine the role of fiction in engaging, formulating, and shaping the world.

Members of the SNS share an interest in the novel as a historical and contemporary phenomenon, as a genre continually open to change and experimentation, and as a national, regional, transnational, and global form. The society’s membership is occupied in researching individual works of fiction and their writers and in engaging in critical study of the theoretical questions posed by the writing, reading, translation, distribution, and consumption of novels.

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